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Customs & Tax

The customer is responsible for all customs matters including customs duties, taxes, import laws and seizures in the country of destination. In case of customs problems, we will do our best to help you with the necessary documents for the imported goods.

How are taxes and customs duties handled?

We do not charge any sales tax or export duties.

However, if the package is checked by your country's customs authorities when the goods arrive in your country, customers are responsible for import duties and taxes.

We are not responsible for the products being confiscated by customs in your country. All customers are responsible for checking with their local customs office about any import taxes, duties and import regulations.

Shipment cannot be imported

If there are any problems with customs, we will send all necessary documents and test reports to the customer. The customer is then responsible for further customs matters.

If customs problems cannot be solved, the shipment is either disposed of or returned to us by the customs authorities. In the case of a return shipment, further storage and shipping costs for the return shipment will be charged. If the fault is not on our side, these costs will be charged to the customer.

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